Covid City Stories, Episode 5: Hyper-local, Hyper-tough?


Inspired by these stories? Want to tell your own? Just click below to record and we’ll feature it in an upcoming set of stories from citymakers around the world in the trenches of the Covid19 pandemic. Thank you for sharing!


In this week's episode of #CovidCityStories, four global citymakers - from Ecuador, Upstate, Oakland, and Oz - share their experiences, insights, and placemaking initiatives regarding our new Covid normal. The different vantage points of their stories and work show just how much place matters, again, both pre-Covid, during Covid, and as cities around the world begin to open, post-Covid. In particular, our new hyper-local reality has serious equity implications, or rather, inequity, which in turn make us all more vulnerable. We hope their stories inspire you to pave the way for a new, more equitable, post-Covid normal.

Also, if you’ve enjoyed listening to these stories, and have your own story to share, you can be showcased too! You can choose to simply record your own story by clicking that beautiful orange button where it says “Start recording” (you don’t need to script it out, by the way! ;)). Or if you prefer a more structured format, please reach out to participate in a Q&A interview with our Founder/CEO, Dr. Mariela Alfonzo!

FYI, if you haven’t already, we invite you to read Mariela’s (our Founder) New Cities piece about the implications of Covid on citymaking, which inspired this initiative.

And stay tuned for more audio stories from citymakers in the trenches of Covid19 as this crisis continues to unfold…