Forecast The Value of your projects & investments

Optimize the economic, health, environmental, & social value of your investments & quantify its roi to get buy-in, approvals, and funding.


How Does State of Place Optimize Your Citymaking Process?

Our forecasting models allow us to calculate how improvements to urban amenities and the built environment translate into value creation. We can estimate how your citymaking projects and investments increase economic value, like real estate premiums and tax revenues; health value, like obesity, asthma, and other chronic diseases; factors tied to environmental value, such as vehicle miles traveled, transit ridership, GHGs, and air quality; and social and community value, such as the likelihood of vehicle collisions and crime. This not only helps you make the case for your citymaking projects and investments to get stakeholder buy-in, but also identify which proposals or investment scenarios have the biggest “bang for the buck.”


Optimize resource and capacity allocation.

Maximize upside value of your investments - across the quadruple bottom line.

More effectively and seamlessly get buy-in for your projects

Gain approvals and funding for your projects more quickly!


  • City council presentations

  • RFP submissions

  • Community engagement

  • Asset management strategy

  • Brand and marketing strategies

  • Budgeting

  • Vision Zero strategies

  • Crisis mitigation

  • Value-based care positioning