Covid City Stories, Episode 4: Yearning for Place


Inspired by these stories? Want to tell your own? Just click below to record and we’ll feature it in an upcoming set of stories from citymakers around the world in the trenches of the Covid19 pandemic. Thank you for sharing!


Last week, my State of Place team shared their covid city stories with you, showcasing how where you live - and how that city prioritized human-scaled urban design BEFORE Covid - had a significant impact on their day-to-day lives. So this week, I thought I'd share my own story about what it's been like to be in pandemic exile in the burbs for 99 days (and counting); how Covid has shaped the "cultural" value of place; and why it feels like I kinda got broken up with via post-it by my dear city, Shanghai! 

Also, if you’ve enjoyed listening to these stories, I urge you to consider contributing your own voice. Apparently, you city people are planners at heart - go figure - and many of you have been compelled to script out your stories…which is fine, but totally not necessary. Feel free to just speak from the heart as well - the most important thing is that your voice, your story, your perspective gets amplified.

FYI, if you haven’t already, we invite you to read Mariela’s (our Founder) New Cities piece about the implications of Covid on citymaking, which inspired this initiative.

Stay tuned for an upcoming episode, when we’ll bring you a one-on-one Q&A with Michelle, our COO, and me - about life as a citymaker during Covid.

We’ll continue to bring you audio stories from citymakers in the trenches of Covid19 as this crisis continues to unfold…

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