Colorado Smart City Alliance names State of Place a 2nd time Finalist in Connected Colorado Challenge!

We are excited to announce that State of Place was named as a Finalist in Colorado’s Smart City Alliance’s Connected Colorado Challenge (C2) as part of the Safe Streets focus area! The C2 Challenge seeks to bring to bear a different - and by different we mean more efficient and effective procurement process for governments that helps them identify - and use - innovative approaches to tackle their most pervasive, persistent problems. In the case of the Safe Streets focus, the problem of course is one of life and death at the hands of streets that have been dangerously designed for cars over people. Given our focus on walkability - or the ability to conveniently, safely, comfortably, and pleasurably walk for recreation or to destinations - and our expertise on Vision Zero, it was a no brainer for governments within the C2 Challenge program to be interested in State of Place - humbly speaking of course! While we await news of the winners of this challenge, we invite you to review the proposal that propelled us into the Finalists round.

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